Biarlah Aku Pergi
This romantic drama film follows the story of Suryani, a woman who provides a helping hand to Iskandar, an unemployed man, by offering him a job and giving him love. However, their happiness is short-lived when Iskandar's wife, Aminah, and their child show up. Suryani eventually disappears while she is pregnant with Iskandar's baby. Six years later, Iskandar, with the help of his secretary Sri, finds Suryani and their daughter, Atik, in a village. Despite her initial reluctance, she decides to go back to the city with him. However, she distances herself from Iskandar and forbids her daughter from seeing him. Amidst a trying time when Iskandar's company teeters on the brink of bankruptcy, Suryani willingly sells her house and the shop gifted by Iskandar to aid his company. Ultimately, the salvaged company is handed over to Aminah and her son, and Iskandar leaves to embark on a journey of self-reflection.
Film Detayları
126 Dk
Bahasa indonesia
0 $
0 $
Önerilen Filmler
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