Blue Notes and Exiled Voices Poster

Blue Notes and Exiled Voices


{ "title": "Blue Notes and Exiled Voices", "tagline": "Music Under Fire in Argentina's '70s Military Dictatorship" , "overview": "Against a backdrop of political repression, Argentine pianist and composer Enrique "Kicho" Wolff struggles to keep his passion for jazz alive during a time of great adversity in his country. Amidst the terror of the government regime, Wolff becomes a symbol of defiance as he continues to perform music, organize concerts, and pursue his artistic aspirations. As the military junta intensifies their grip on power, Wolff and his fellow artists are faced with the difficult decision of either going into exile to ensure their safety or remaining in their homeland to fight for their beliefs. "Blue Notes and Exiled Voices" powerfully captures the resilience of these musicians, their love of art, and their determination to resist oppression."}

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