Love Is Better Than Ever Poster

Love Is Better Than Ever

It's Liz in a Whiz of a Racy Romance!


{ "title": "Love Is Better Than Ever", "tagline": "It's Liz in a Whiz of a Racy Romance!", "overview": "The dancing teacher Anastasia falls in love with the smart theatre agent Jud. He likes her, too, but does not want to give up his solo life at all. Thus she plans a trap for him...", "critic_review": "The acting is top-notch, especially Grant and Bullock, who are both a joy to watch as they trade barbs and fall in love. The supporting cast is also excellent." "The script is witty and charming, with plenty of laugh-out-loud moments. Hughes deftly handles the transition from romantic comedy to something more serious, and the film never feels like it's trying too hard." "The ending is a bit too neat and tidy, but it's still a satisfying conclusion to a well-crafted rom-com."}

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81 Dk



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