In 2010, Tamala is about a quirky cat named Tamala who embarks on a fun-filled space adventure. The movie's setting is set on Planet Cat Earth in the universe of the Feline Galaxy, where the mega corp named Catty & Co. holds a powerful sway. Tamala, yearning to escape the clutches of Catty & Co., finds herself crash-landing on Planet Q, a world teetering on the edge of lawlessness and brutal violence. There, Tamala's path intertwines with that of Michelangelo, a fellow adventurer whose carefree spirit matches her own. As they embark on their journey, Tamala uncovers a mysterious connection to Catty & Co. and her enigmatic homeworld, Orion. With laughter, thrills, and a touch of mayhem, Tamala and Michelangelo navigate thrilling escapades and face the challenges that arise on their thrilling adventure across space.
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92 Dk
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