Tepeyac Poster



Tepeyac is a moving and inspiring story of faith, love, and the power of prayer. The film follows the journey of Lupita, a young woman whose boyfriend, Arroyo Carrillo, is sent to Europe on a diplomatic mission. When the ship in which he travels is sunk by a German submarine, Lupita is devastated. She seeks solace in her faith and turns to La Virgen de Guadalupe, the saint patron of catholic Mexicans. After reading a book about the Virgin legend, Lupita falls asleep. The next morning, she receives good news: her boyfriend is alive. Together they go to La Villa del Tepeyac, a church devoted to La Virgen de Guadalupe, and thank her for the miracle. Tepeyac is a beautifully shot and well-acted film that is sure to stay with you long after you have seen it. The film's message of hope and faith is a powerful one, and it is sure to leave you feeling inspired.


Tepeyac – Cine en línea (versión restaurada y musicalizada)

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63 Dk



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