Främmande hamn
The movie "Strange Harbor" is an intriguing tale set in 1938 Gdynia, Poland. As a Swedish cargo ship prepares to leave port with a coal shipment bound for Sweden, dark secrets and tensions unfold. A Polish dockworker attempts to convey a message to the Swedish sailors in a tavern but is abruptly dismissed by the tavern owner. Later that evening, tragedy strikes when the dockworker is found dead. Meanwhile, one of the Swedish sailors encounters a Jewish woman seeking refuge from Nazi Germany. As the investigation into the dockworker's death deepens, a web of intrigue and deception weaves itself around the characters, delving into complex issues of identity, loyalty, and survival during tumultuous historical times. The movie captivates with its atmospheric visuals and nuanced portrayal of characters, leaving viewers with thought-provoking questions about human resilience and the choices people make in dire circumstances.
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85 Dk
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