Złote ziarenko Poster

Złote ziarenko


The movie Golden Grain is inexplicably pleasant and follows a familiar formula: a New York woman named Monica inherited a vineyard in Tuscany from her grandmother. This offering, directed by Charles Martin Smith, mixes classic tropes; an unlikely pairing arising from a culture clash, a picturesque European backdrop, and the kind of postcard vineyards that you fantasize about when you are planning a vacation. The film takes pleasure in the comedy and cultural frictions that arise when Monica comes knocking, with a broad Tuscany grin that hints at some future romance. Smith eases into a sweet rhythm, pitting Monica against a cast of supporting characters who are all rooted in the soil. His workmanlike approach reminds us that sometimes it's the simplest pleasures, like the taste of good food or a glass of wine shared with people we care about, that make life worth living.

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27 Dk



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